Building the Empirical Revolution

Enriching legal research, teaching and practice through empirical methods


About us

We are educators, scholars, practitioners and judges committed to advancing empirical legal research, through our teaching, research and professional development.


Enriching law teaching

Ensuring future generations of law graduates, advocates and judges are empirically literate

Photo by Changbok Ko on Unsplash 

Enhancing legal research

Equipping legal scholars to undertake rigorous, high quality empirical research

Photo by Alvaro Pinot on Unsplash 

Building community

Establishing a network of empirical scholars, to build community and peer support

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash 

Professional development

Offering high quality professional development opportunities to strengthen the empirical skills of practitioners and judges

Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash 



Contact alysia dot blackham at to get more information about the project